terça-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2008


  • Why?
Because recycling is, for the citizens of today, more than an attitude of citizenship and a good habit, it means that we are protecting the environment and thinking about the future with quality. It's important recycle because that simple act are also a responsible attitude that values the materials in order to protect and preserve the environment.

  • Vantages
--> Saving raw materials (like wood, sand, oil, tin and aluminum)

--> Save energy

--> Reduce the amount of waste in landfills

  • How recycle?
--> The first step is to separate the packaging used by type of material and prepare them for their placement in drop-off recycling location;

--> Then its necessary drip the packaging used, so that the remains of products that were inside it does not cause bad smells;

--> Then must hammer out the packaging to reduce the space they occupy at home and make transportation easier;

--> Finally, it is important to remove the corks and caps when they are made of other materials;

--> You could then place the packages in the appropriate places:

- The plastic and metal in drop-off recycling location yellow

- The role and the card in blue drop-off recycling location

- Glass in the green ecopoints.

So recycle. Together we can change the world!

1 comentário:

greenhope disse...

I think these days people already have much information but not all do what they feel right. It is all very well saying that we should recycle but not everyone will recycle. I think I remember that every day is never enough :)